About Academic Decathlon

Welcome All Students and Families to the Academic Decathlon Team Competition!
Our competition theme for 2023-2024 is OUR CHANGING CLIMATE!!!
Our first meeting will be on Friday, August 25th after school in B3! All are welcome to join our Friday meetings (we will have snacks!) and bring a friend with you!
Our 2023-2024 Academic Decathlon team is hopeful that they will carry on the tradition of excellence in Academic Decathlon competition that Lincoln has experienced in the past!
For more info on joining our premier academic team, email the coaches:
Ms. Kwan at wyk2326@lausd.net or Ms. Crabtree at mxc0861@lausd.net or Ms. Seo at jiye.seo@lausd.net
NOTE:  We are still looking to add team members for our current competition year.  Please let us know if you are interested!
We are looking for curious, bright students at all grade levels and GPAs--you do NOT have to have a 4.0 to compete in Academic Decathlon!  Please come and talk to us for more information--this is your chance to be a part of an intense, fun, and fascinating academic competition!
Helpful Websites:
Quizlet  (NOTE:  to join our Decathlon group on Quizlet, let Ms. Crabtree know your email so she can invite you to join).