Counseling & Guidance » About Counseling at Lincoln

About Counseling at Lincoln

Lincoln High School Counseling Mission
Our mission as the Lincoln High School counseling department is to support all students through a comprehensive and developmental approach based on the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Standards. We address academic, career and personal/social skills necessary to achieve quality learning and life-long success. We emphasize personal responsibility in Lincoln High School students as they work toward becoming successful 21st century citizens. We seek to develop collaborative relationships with parents, teachers, administrators and other stakeholders with the purpose of promoting our students highest academic potential. As counselors, we are committed to advocacy, collaboration, leadership, and data-driven systemic change.
The Counseling/College Center is located in Room #128
Lincoln Counseling Staff:
Mr. Quan To, ESP Magnet Counselor, College Counselor, AP Coordinator - [email protected]
Ms. Deanna Cárdenas Girón, VOICE 4 MBSS SLC Counselor, SAT & PSAT Coordinator - [email protected]
Mrs. Joy Mayani, STEAM SLC Counselor - [email protected]
Mrs. Joni Parker-Boykins, AP, SCS & MST Magnet Counselor - [email protected]

We are committed to provide the best educational experience for every student­­­, while providing guidance and support where necessary to ensure that all students have a fulfilling high school experience.  We are committed to prepare our students to be College and Career Eligible and Ready when they graduate from Lincoln High School.


  • *Yearly Enrichment/Career Pathways/Credit Recovery & Intervention Options:


    17 Honors Courses

    20 AP Courses

    Dual Enrollment Program (ELAC) on Lincoln's campus


    5-Career Pathways: Architecture, Banking & Finance, Engineering, Horticulture and Theater

    Fall/Spring Semester, Winter Break Credit Recovery Sessions

    Grade Improvement Program (before and after school)

    Edgenuity Online Courses  24/7 access to tutors (Schoology)