Advanced Placement » Advanced Placement at Lincoln High School

Advanced Placement at Lincoln High School

Advanced Placement (AP) classes are rigorous academic courses offered in high schools that provide students with the opportunity to engage in college-level coursework. These classes cover a wide range of subjects, including mathematics, sciences, languages, humanities, and more. Designed by the College Board, AP classes follow a standardized curriculum and culminate in a standardized exam administered in May each year.
AP courses signal to admissions officers that you’ve undertaken the most rigorous classes your high school has to offer. They see that you’ve challenged yourself with college-level course work and expectations, and have refined your skills to meet these expectations. In the increasingly competitive admissions process, this knowledge can be very valuable. Importantly, AP courses offer admissions officers a consistent measure of course rigor across high schools, districts, states and countries — because all AP teachers, no matter where they’re teaching, have to provide a curriculum that meets college standards. So when admissions officers see “AP” on your transcript, they have a good understanding of what you experienced in a particular class and how well it prepared you for the increased challenges of college. 
Check Out the Courses Offered At Lincoln High School
Best to take an introductory or intermediate course or two before taking on an Advanced course.