About EduCare Foundation After School Programs

Our Mission
To inspire and empower young people to become responsible citizens, compassionate leaders, and to live their dreams.
We encourage students to believe in themselves and provide them with the tools they need to succeed. Our programs are designed to give students the opportunity to develop their unique abilities, build relationships and find relevance in their educational experience.
Our activities are unique to each school and offer homework assistance & tutoring, academic enrichment, structured fitness classes, and performing & fine arts activities. EduCare goes far beyond simply providing a safe space for students after school, offering many opportunities for learning and leadership.
Program Details
Our Programs are for students in grades 9-12 of the Abraham Lincoln High School Community.
We offer services that focus on Academic, Enrichment, Physical Fitness and One-time events.
Our hours of operations are based on clubs and programs meeting hours.
EduCare morning programs run 6:00 am - 7:30 am Mondays through Fridays.
After-school programs meet 3:36 pm - 5:45 pm Monday- Friday and 2:00 pm - 5:45 pm on Tuesdays.
The EduCare Office is open from 10:00 am - 3:30 pm for Site Coordinator Support.
Amelia Carrillo, Site Coordinator
Christina Galvez, Assistant Site Coordinator
[email protected]
Office Hours 323 441 4600 Ext: 7603
Office Hours 323 441 4600 Ext: 7603