Memoirs » the walk outs

the walk outs

Sender robert cabrera
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Posted On 2009-10-02
Year 1968
Memoir these were times of change.days of Sal Castro,the class of '69 was coming up. We were going to change education the seccodary system! The Viet-Nam War was in full swing.The First Lady (Bird Johnson and the First Lady of Mexico) came to visit our school. First Martin was killed then Bobby was killed.The school had developed a social conciousness whose mantle had been thrust upon a generation like ours that had never been seen before,had it not been for the faculty such as mr. Gordon in rm.573 with his interpetation of history,or the biolological teachings of Mr. Richer(soory about the aquariums,dude),Ms.Jefferies creative writing class,of course there was Ms.Conzelman who never agreed with me about the symbolic interpretion of Richard Harris' "MacCarther Park w' (who Ilater got know personnaly).The days of 68' were truly to hip!.No shirt-tail out for us,,no radios except for the World Series!,but the thugs still smoked behind the music piano buildind at lunch! You want to a secret ther are tunnels under the school but that classified! Everything we did then was a "Symbol of Protest). KRLA-AM couldn't even play "My Generation by the WHO cos' cos they thought it made fun of poeple with speech impediments.Lincoln was the "stuff". you had cats like Fred Resindez,Moctezuma Esparza, the Salas Brothers(o-kay Steve I didn't steal Ellie in summer school of 1962!)The twins with the First Road-Runners tearing up Lincoln Park Blvd after school! The record shop across the street making eight-track bootlegs for $5 bucks! Mr.Susuzki the hero of Sears!(look it up) I was there when Mr. Benson brought "LiL" Stevie Wonder to school met him at the "Hash House" with my girlfried Janet,he sang "My Cherrie Amour" but the record kept skipping, hell I borrowed Mr. Benson's '65 Thunderbird told him iwas going with my mother to get my driver's licence,brought back two hous later than I should have almost missed a recording session.,but Benson was cool! We had Laveris Harris sing "Aquarius" at Ouur graduaion,we could not fit on the football fied,we were to cool We used the Greek Theater and at the end "walked-out" another symbol of protest! so here's the deal somebody from the class of '69 read this concur and let's guesas each others identity with specific incidents and quess each other out while these guys read along and learn some real Lincoln History! Clue no.1 First Upward Bound Program

and major R,O.T.C. dictator,now still long hair anti-what you got cos only the truth exist. Good-Luckand hope to hear from you soon guys!

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